Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hydrate Thyselves!

Greetings Members of the Shirt Be With You Universe, it's been a while.

It's unofficially summer now that Memorial Day Weekend is in the rearview mirror, and we'd like to take this opportunity to talk about our two favorite things: Your health, and the environment. OK, that's a lie. Our two favorite things are little people and Billy Mays' Slider Station.

However, keeping you hydrated and healthy does rank pretty high on our to-do list (even higher than completely updating - we do swear though, it will be 100% fully functioning before the housing market returns to it's early 2006 form). This summer, beat the heat - or recover from a long day of BBQ'ing with Shirt Be With You's Sigg 1.0 Liter bottles. Made from a single piece of aluminum, it's ultra-lightweight yet rugged and crack-resistant. To minimize unwanted tastes and scents, the inside is lined with a water-based, non-toxic epoxy resin that exceeds FDA leaching requirements. Yes, we have spent many an hour bringing ourselves up to speed with FDA leaching requirements. Just about all of our original designs can be found on these aluminum babies, so you'll have over 100 to chose from.

And there's many, many more available here!

Also, we're happy to announce that we're officially on Facebook, so if you haven't already, become a a Shirt Be With You Fan! No Tweeting for us just yet though.


Both of Us at Shirt Be With You.

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