Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hydrate Thyselves!

Greetings Members of the Shirt Be With You Universe, it's been a while.

It's unofficially summer now that Memorial Day Weekend is in the rearview mirror, and we'd like to take this opportunity to talk about our two favorite things: Your health, and the environment. OK, that's a lie. Our two favorite things are little people and Billy Mays' Slider Station.

However, keeping you hydrated and healthy does rank pretty high on our to-do list (even higher than completely updating - we do swear though, it will be 100% fully functioning before the housing market returns to it's early 2006 form). This summer, beat the heat - or recover from a long day of BBQ'ing with Shirt Be With You's Sigg 1.0 Liter bottles. Made from a single piece of aluminum, it's ultra-lightweight yet rugged and crack-resistant. To minimize unwanted tastes and scents, the inside is lined with a water-based, non-toxic epoxy resin that exceeds FDA leaching requirements. Yes, we have spent many an hour bringing ourselves up to speed with FDA leaching requirements. Just about all of our original designs can be found on these aluminum babies, so you'll have over 100 to chose from.

And there's many, many more available here!

Also, we're happy to announce that we're officially on Facebook, so if you haven't already, become a a Shirt Be With You Fan! No Tweeting for us just yet though.


Both of Us at Shirt Be With You.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Awfully Delightful 90's: 15-11

Getting there, getting there...

15. Semi-Charmed Life (Third Eye Blind). The third (but not final) song to appear in the ultimate 1990's Comedy (American Pie) and when I really think about, probably the prototypical 90's band name. Three monosyllabic words with a teenage perverted undertone. While the song stays true to the trend of whining about how bad/boring your life sucks, it also has a shallow hint of heroin usage- possibly THE drug du jor of the decade for everyone who wasn't hanging out at the Limelight or the Tunnel.

14. Runaway Train (Soul Assylum). I'd have to study the charts, but this might be the original bubble-grunge song. (Like the genre I just created?). Borrowing from the late 1980's (think Fly High Michelle, The Ballad of Jayne or Fly to the Angels), Train is not about the artists sucky drug infested life, but that of somebody near and dear to him. A lost art, really. But everything else fits the mold, and this awful masterpiece was the Jackie Robinson of the Upbeat and Depressing (yes, I'm aware those are polar opposite emotions).

13. Mmmmm, Mmmmm (Crash Test Dummies). Make no mistake: Of the 50 songs on my list, this is CLEARLY the most awful. A 100% pointles song, it tells fables with no real moral to the story about a kid who got in an accident, a family that spazzed the F out in church, and a girl who had a lot of birthmarks. You really can't make this stuff up. However, it's just catchy and stupid enough to bring a modecum of delight to this listener, and coupled with it's high Awful score, it cracks the top 15.

12. Good Riddance/Time of Your Life (Green Day). I'm so happy that I graduated high school two years before this song came out, cause there's no way that Bon Jovi's "Never Say Goodbye" would have beat out this Made-For-Prom-Tune in a million years. Instead I got to dance so close, dance so slow, swear I'd never let you go with my future wife. I haven't been to many proms lately, but I'm going to go on the assumption that this pretty much broke Wonderful Tonight's record for most proms ended. Now, I like Green Day, like them a lot. Dookie was the pefect album for a 17 year old just waking up to the world in 1994, and American Idiot was the perfect, absolutely ultimate capsule of La Resistance during the Bush Error to those oh-so-few-of-us who could see beyond the basic platitudes of "Terra". But in all fairness, this song is hysterically bad. Just bad enough that it made our wedding playlist and our table-gift CD.

11. It Was A Good Day (Ice Cube). I have a fundamental issue with this song. I understand how no barking from the dog and no smog would quantify a great morning and all. But Mama made a breakfast with no hog? That's good? For the same person who hits Fat Burger at 2 AM? Also, while playing basketball last week, Ice Cube fucked around and got a triple double? WHO THE HELL COUNTS THEIR ASSISTS ON THE PLAYGROUND? Or rebounds and points for that matter. Aint' that type of selfish play gonna get you in some pretty deep trouble in South Central LA? All in all, I'm glad Mr. Cube finally, at age 24 got with that girl he was trying to make love to since the 12th grade. And doubly glad that it's considered ironic when one person has the beer and the other's god weed.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Awfully Delightful 90s: 20 - 16

Back from the Coma, same ground rules apply:
1. Song must be awful
2. Song must be delightful
3. Song must be on my iPod

#20. My Own Worst Enemy (Lit) Can We Forget About the Things I Said When I Was Drunk. Amen brother, Amen. If the 90s taught us anything, it's that there is a severe lack of personal accountability in America, and it only got worse. But still, accountability aside, who hasn't said or done something while having a cocktail or thirteen that they eventually regretted? We've all walked a mile in those shoes. So why not forget about them? Personally, a big pet peeve of mine, one that rivals Dick Cheney, is people I like to call "I Know What You Did Last Nighters". I mean, can we wait for the Alka-Seltzer to kick in before we go through the littany of last night's offenses? The sick and twisted joy that people get out of this torturous tactic is disturbing.

#19. Ruff Riders Anthem (DMX) If anything was going to give Nate Dogg and the G-Child a run for their money as the official "Gangsta Rap Song That White People Ate Up Like Candy" it's this fine diddy from DMX. Of course, the difference between the two was I was in High School for Regulate and College for Riders, so I naturally view Riders with more skepticism and don't want to admit how cliche I was, hence Regulate doesn't qualify for the list. Mind your business lady!

#18. Yellow Ledbetter (Pearl Jam). If only for what might be THE GREATEST AND MOST CREATIVE YOUTUBE CLIP EVER. I can't do this anymore justification than what's already been done...

#17. The Sweater Song (Weezer). Recently it dawned on me: Weezer. is. not. that. good. period. It took me a few albums. Heck, it took me over a decade. I think more than any other (successful) band of the 1990s, they fit the image of the pretentious, smug, holier-than-and-smarter-than-thou-garage-band that thinks they're being clever with the use of simple metaphors and simple facades. I'm on to you Weezer! And this lovely ballad is the cream of their crop. Let's use the image of a person unravelling knit clothing to expose the meek and lonely boy who has no spiritual fulfillment in his life. The only thing missing from the song is a violin.

#16. Stay (Lisa Loeb) Just a clear and precise delightfully awful song. There's two types of people in the world: The people who will admit that they love this song, and the people who lie about it. And let's give it up for the original Liz Lemon. The woman who made "nerdy" hot. Without her, there's no Tina Fey and there's no whoever that gal is on those VH1 I-Love-This-Decade shows that looks like Lisa Loeb but isn't.