Friday, March 20, 2009

Coming Next Week: Awfully Delightful 90s

So after an hour in the car with 20 ounces of coffee, a piece of Nicorette gum and an iPod shuffling through some 90's tunes, it has been decided that I must make a countdown of the Top 50 Awfully Delightful songs from the 1990s, starting Monday, to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of post-90's life. Which sucks by the way.

However, there are some ground rules to get out of the way immediately:

-A song must be both Awful and Delightful. Not either-or. So delightful songs by reputable bands in the 1990s will not be elligible. Nor will songs that are just plain awful. Sorry, Right Said Fred, Ricky Martin and Billy Ray.

-If Rob Thomas is prominently involved, a song qualifies, even if you are a reputable, legendary musician (cough: Carlos Santana)

-If you're a Canadian who was scorned by Uncle Joey after you blew him in a cineplex, your song will definately rank high.

-80's holdovers who happened to score big in the early 1990s, such as Slaughter, Firehouse, and Mr. Big, are not elligible. Furthermore, artists who may have spanned the decade but still sound the way they did in the 70s or 80s like Aerosmith, Metallica, U2 and Bon Jovi will also not qualify.

-If I only know your song cause I was sitting in a dorm room baked like a muffin and found it hysterical, that doesn't count. Phish's "Weigh" and "At a Medium Pace" by Adam Sandler not excluded. The song must be widly known.

That sounds about right for now. #50 through #41 will hopefully be posted on Monday. Yoda Willing.

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